Patchwork: A Storytelling Guild presents Winsome, Worthy, Wise: Stories About Women
Winsome, Worthy, Wise: Stories About Women — & Open Mic! celebrates Women's History Month, World Storytelling Day, and the Spring Equinox! Light refreshments. Donations accepted, including menstrual products for local distribution by Penn Reproductive Justice Working Group. Approx. running time: 120 minutes. Recommended for adult audiences.
This eclectic and energy-packed program features an array of stories re-imagined by professional speaker and storyteller Denise McCormack to illuminate aspects of the "Maiden, Mother, Crone" trilogy while recognizing that all women embody vivacious and elegant qualities regardless of mother status or age—made all the more potent by a new and fierce sense of self and an unmitigated fearlessness to pursue their own hearts' desires in their later years when fully equipped with a lifetime of wisdom.
Plus, folks of all identities are encouraged to take the stage and share a 3 to 5 minute story of their own. Sign up with registration or at the door.
But that's not all. Penn Reproductive Justice Working Group will be on hand with information related to reproductive health and will spearhead the collection of menstrual products (pads, tampons) for distribution in the local area.
According to McCormack, producer and host of the event, "Being able to tout and share tales about the strength and fortitude of women in all phases of life is incredible and a perfect fit for celebrating Women's History Month, World Storytelling Day, and the coming of Spring.
"But the real bonus is having the opportunity to support the efforts of Penn Reproductive Justice Working Group which is working hard to fulfil a need in the community that is tantamount to the need for food—the need for readily available menstrual products. That need can seriously impact the day to day lives of anyone for whom the cost can be insurmountable. Truly, the idea of being in such a circumstance is one that can only invoke empathy and a desire to rectify the situation. Fortunately, this event will help with that dilemma, and we're proud to support efforts to do so with an outstanding program and a call for the community to come together for an enjoyable and purposeful afternoon."
In lieu of tickets, donations of menstrual products are encouraged.
Find out more. Register today.
Approx. running time: 120 minutes. Recommended for adult audiences.
Find out more and register HERE