The Event Horizon concert series features Electronic, Avant Garde, and Experimental music along with the work of live video, laser and analog projection artists. The concerts are always free and open to all.
WeirdSmith, aka Dan Gray, is a retired Navy Aviation Electronics Technician who repaired audio technology, amongst many other systems, involved in the hunting of submarines, now seeks to provide journeys of aural crevasses he calls “Sonic Spelunking”. He looks for interesting sonic spaces and shares the exploration of them. Having never played the same thing twice, each journey is a new and hopefully enjoyed shared experience.
Dimension Step is the synth focused version of Dorety Brothers. It is much about moods, atmospheres, some noise and melodies too, deriving our sounds from standard synths, modular analog synths, digital piano and even some electronic percussion. Ambience to syncopation and arpeggiation, we tend to improvise within a loose framework of tempo, key, mode and time signature or maybe absence of time signature and tempo. Collective influences come from the spacier moments found in prog giants like YES, ELP, Genesis, Pink Floyd and King Crimson as well as textures and moods from Tangerine Dream, Hawkwind, Kraftwerk, Eno and even some jazz rock space jammers like Ozric Tentacles. Even more we find we influence each other when we jam. That’s the root of the creativity which stems into ideas we can use as a basis to recreate, yet it is never exactly the same music produced even if the base idea remains the same. It keeps it fresh for the audience and us.
Ombient, aka Mike Hunter, focuses on ambient/drone/experimental music that is improvisational in nature, representative of the feeling of the moment in which it is performed and of the subtle feedback between the audience and the performer. He uses various vintage and contemporary analog synthesizers, and modular synthesizers. Mike is also the host of the radio show Music With Space on WPRB 103.3 FM out of Princeton, NJ, the vice-President of The Electro-Music Performers Organization (TE-MPO) and the current President of the Board of Directors at The Electronic Music Education and Preservation Project based in Montgomery County, PA.
Admission is FREE