Theatre of the Oppressed
A 4-Part Workshop Series
Every Tuesday in March - March 7, 14, 21, and 28 • 6:30-9:00 PM
Tuition $45-$125, sliding scale
Worktrade available upon request
Sign up via "tophilly@gmail.com"
On Tuesday nights this March we bring back our popular series on race and racism. Over the course of four weeks we'll explore this topic through a variety of exercises, discussions, and techniques from the Theatre of the Oppressed, supplemented by things to read and do between sessions. Our aim is to unlearn the systemic racism we’ve been taught throughout our lives, to heal from racial privilege and oppression, and to offer starting points for structural and personal change in ourselves, our communities, and our world.
The March 2017 Unpacking Race Series is open to anyone who can attend all four sessions. Tuition is sliding scale: $45-$125, payable at the first session. To sign up, email "tophilly@gmail.com" or leave a message at 267-282-1057. If you are interested in worktrade or childcare, contact us by February 22.