The Legacy of Malcolm X: The Last Message 60 Years Later
The year 2025 will be the 100th anniversary of Malcolm X's birth, and We Charge Colonialism will be hosting a program in commemoration. The program will be a significant event that will explore the life and legacy of one of the most influential leaders and organizers in history. It will also shed light on Malcolm's speech, "The Last Message," given days before his assassination.
This interactive program is designed to foster open dialogue, critical discussions, and profound reflections on Malcolm X's enduring impact on the Black Power Movement, social justice frameworks, and the Black community in America and beyond. We encourage your active participation in this event.
Our program, unique in its diverse participation and comprehensive exploration, will bring together scholars, activists, community members, and individuals passionate about promoting human rights and organizational unity. It will feature panel discussions, artists, and a keynote address, all contributing to a multifaceted understanding of Malcolm X's life and philosophy, from his days as a 'street hustler' to his role as Minister Malcolm, the organizer.
This program is a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Malcolm X's historical significance and to appreciate his legacy as a catalyst for social development. By examining his life's work, we aim to foster an engaging dialogue that brings together diverse perspectives, fostering a united front in the ongoing struggle for human rights and dignity. The program will also offer networking opportunities to stay connected in ongoing community organizing efforts.
Admission is FREE. Please RSVP HERE