7:30pm: Doors open
8pm-9pm: Dance instructors Bria Bean and Raul Leal will teach you Lindy and Swing dance steps to get you started.
9pm: Swing That Cat! will jump on stage so you can try out your steps and have a fun night!
Light refreshments will be available.
Admission: $10 at the door
Swing That Cat! is a sonic cocktail ~ Take Jump Blues, swizzle in Horny Swing, add a dash of Cabaret and splash of Bourbon Street.
~ It’s not Retro ~ it’s a Revival.~
Inspired by Swing evolving into Jump Jive, Rock & Roll, and Bebop, this NJ-based female-led band has a seductive sound that makes their audiences shimmy and shake.
Inspired by Swing evolving into Jump Jive, Rock & Roll, and Bebop, this NJ-based female-led band has a seductive sound that makes their audiences shimmy and shake.
Over the last few years, Swing That Cat has emerged as one of the most unique, original, and engaging artists and live acts in the Philadelphia area. Featured on the 2020 Wawa Welcome America July 4th Live Stream, Musikfest, the WRTI Speakeasy @ Franklin Institute, WXPN Monster Ball, WMMR Hollystock, Live Nation All American BBQ, and the Sellersville Theater and more than 300 festival, club and concert dates in the last 8 years.