Event Horizon presents
Michael Victor has been experimenting with synthesizers since the early 1980’s mostly at home. He is a member of Fringe Element , The Bob and Brian Orchestra, Think Tank, and a solo performer. He has played the Electro-Music festival , Richochet Gathering Yellowstone , PMAF ,The Philadelphia Fringe Festival and other gatherings. His music ranges from Dark Ambient, Noise, Techno, Found sound soundscapes, and experimental electronics improvising on the spot with very little preparation.
wormlogo (a subset of Errant Space) is a project of sound artist and composer Craig Chin. Focused on synthesis and electronics it explores strange soundscapes via minimalism and drone. Based in Beacon, NY, Craig performs regularly in the North East as part of the experimental and improvised music scene. He has produced the monthly Errant Space Podcast for over eight years, which often features interesting experimental and electronic musicians. He also produces a weekly radio show, The Space Program, for the Vassar College station, WVKR. Recent projects include the soundtrack for the documentary film Baato, and game soundtracks for Battle of The Ancients and Dark Venture. LINKS: http://www.errant.space, https://wormlogo.bandcamp.com
The Cherenkof Radiators is a trio consisting of musicians Juan Garces, Dan Gray and Mike Hunter. Juan Garces is an experimental and improvisational musician and electronics and synthesizer enthusiast. He uses vintage and contemporary synthesizers, sequencers, live looping, and a laptop computer to take his listeners on a unique, imaginative journey. He has been playing experimental music since the late 1970s. He was also a member of The Melting Transistor, The Equinox Project and Black Thujone among others.
Dan Gray, aka WeirdSmith is a retired Navy Aviation Electronics Technician who repaired audio technology, amongst many other systems, involved in the hunting of submarines, now seeks to provide journeys of aural crevasses he calls “Sonic Spelunking”. He looks for interesting sonic spaces and shares the exploration of them. Having never played the same thing twice, each journey is a new and hopefully enjoyed shared experience.
Mike Hunter, the fimal member of the trio, aka Ombient, focuses on ambient/drone/experimental music that is improvisational in nature, representative of the feeling of the moment in which it is performed and of the subtle feedback between the audience and the performer. He uses various vintage and contemporary analog synthesizers, modular synthesizers, and occasionally computers running Ableton Live with various synth plug-in’s. Most of the older music of Ombient features 6 string guitar and/or 12 string Warr Touch Guitar which is processed and layered using digital looping equipment. Mike is also the host of the radio show Music With Space on WPRB 103.3 FM out of Princeton, NJ and the current President of the Board of Directors at The Electronic Music Education and Preservation Project based in Montgomery County, PA.
Admission is FREE