Philly Juneteenth Celebration Featuring: Dr. Leonard & Rosalind Jeffries
A CULTURAL EXPERIENCE Family Fun, Guest Speakers, Fashion & Talent Showcase Vendors,Food, EDUTAINMENT
Hosted by: Bigga Dre "Amun Sen Hotep Re"
Over 60 years, first beginning as individuals and later in marriage, Dr. Rosalind and Leonard Jeffries have began their Great and Majestic Walk with African Peoples and our Great Culture. Their Walk has spanned more than 25 African Countries and Hundreds of African Leaders and at the same time they were instrumental in fusing the African American Experience with their African Continental Experience !
1865 people were not interested in immigration into the United States. In fact, the United States in the 1850's and 1860's had established a Know-Nothing Party; they did not want immigrants; they were against immigrants; and the immigrants that they were against were Papists, German and Irish Catholics. There was no prospect of bringing in immigrants from central, eastern, and southern Europe; these were the unwashed masses. Eighteen-sixty-five was our period. Eighteen-sixty-five was when half a million Black people, a quarter- million of them official Union army, navy troops-participated in the Civil War. The question of Black folks getting into their history, starting to fight for liberty and struggling for what is right is not the question of disuniting America. It has been our struggle that has kept America united. It has been our struggle that has raised anew the liberties that this nation professes. It has been our struggle that has created the 14th Amendment that became the amendment that the women could use and others could use, when they talk about the expansion of liberty in America.
-Dr. Leonard Jeffries
Admission is $19. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/philly-juneteenth-celebration-featuring-dr-leonard-rosalind-jeffries-tickets-897244601757
For more information or to vend or perform, please contact trueandfaithful1@hotmail.com or 215-259-8003.