UPenn's Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Program and the Feminist, Queer and Transgender Research Center with The Rotunda bring you:
A History of Hands: queer and trans Philly
Conceived and Produced by Ricardo Bracho, Abrams Artist in Residence, GSWS/FQT
Thu April 4 at 7pm
Sat April 6 at 2pm
Sun April 7 at 5pm
A Multimedia Mixtape on Philly’s Sodomite, Invert, Homosexual, Homophile, Gay Liberationist, Lesbian Feminist, Queer, Trans, Kween, Bi, In the life, Puto, Pata, Gender Bender, Illusionist, Non Binary, Throuple, Drag: History, Politics, Community, Organizations, Leadership, Dive Bars, Intellectuals, Icons & Artistry via the mediums of video, puppetry, poetry, sermon, remixes, theater, performance, tarot readings, time capsules and PowerPoint.
Featuring Adrianna Brusie on Gloria Casarez, Mars Berger on Charlotte Cushman and Giovannin's Room Bookstore, Gigi Varlotta on Upenn's Women's Dances, Wyatt "Ericka" Perez on Brother Grant-Michael Fitzgerald, Sof Sears on DYKETACTICS, angel gutierrez on Philly's Gay Liberation Front and the Black Panther Party's Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention, Malkia Okech on abolition and anarchism, the archive and the Black Queer Present; and Juliet Dempsey on "Something about witches and grandmothers before they were grandmothers but while they were witches."
With the directorial, choreographic, puppet, animation, beat building, remixing, acting, mask, dance, voice and aerialist work of Ava Haitz, Emily Dunlop, Nicholas Plante, Roz Lee, Oludare Marcelle, Arien Wilkerson, Mike Zaleski, Ren Clarke, Brooke O'Harra and Jennifer Thompson.
Admission is FREE; registration really helps us to know how many people are coming. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-history-of-hands-queer-and-trans-philly-tickets-866752428847